Thursday, August 21, 2008

Microsoft CRM 4.0 : Manually Execute Workflow Throughout the Entities

If you have frequently gotten request from a client to manipulate data in Microsoft CRM or you are Microsoft CRM user who are not familiar with coding, this tool can help you then. Also Microsoft CRM team has noticed that we shouldn't modify data directly over the database. So, in order to manipulate Microsoft CRM data you have to write your own code connecting to either Web Service or SDK they provided. It would take time to get start with. You might have a doubt that you can also create workflow and manually run through the entities you want by selecting multiple records then hit the run workflow button. What does this tool do a different? It's , difinitely, do the same thing but what if you have too many records to be executed workflow over? You will get to do repeatly all these steps - select all records representing on grid then execute workflow then move to next set.

This tool uses jquery library to handle AJAX request to custom web service. You not need to modify anything on custom web service.
It's very easy and only few steps to accomplish installing this tool on Microsoft CRM.

Here are screenshots of this tool.

Custom menu on grid toolbar and detail form

Select workflow and query result (advance search) to execute. You would see there is a link, after drop down list, to popup the detail page of selected item.

Confirm dialog appears after the user hit execute button.

Progress bars represent underneath the execute button. There are two progress bars for retrieving entities to be executed through and execution request.

Even though the progress bars show as finished but it's not. It just finished requesting to execute throughout the specified entities. You have to monitor eash request status yourself as showing in the screenshot.

I'll provide you deployment instruction of this tool SOON!

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